Club Insights Review

Over the past 18 months the Kent County RFU Executive Committee, the Kent RFU Rugby Development officers and area RFU staff have been working hard to address the way in which the County consults and communicates with its member clubs of which there are 59 full RFU voting clubs and 11 affiliated clubs.  The main objective of this major exercise was to initiate a much closer relationship in order to pinpoint what clubs’ greatest needs are and how Kent County RFU and the RFU can assist in delivering assistance to help with these. All the feedback taken from our recent insight meetings around the County has been reviewed and summarised and is highlighted in our ’In Touch’ publication. You can read the Full Review HERE! 

The guidance provided by you the Clubs has then provided for a large proportion of our key objectives in the Kent County RFU ‘Local Plan’ for the 2019/20 season. Both RFU Local funding and available County discretionary funds will be channelled into these priority objectives with an emphasis being placed on priority 1, Recruitment and Retention of Players. Further information on these initiatives and how they will impact in the County will be communicated once the Kent County Plan and budget has been finalised which will be before the start of September 2019.

Roger Clarke- Chairman KCRFU Executive Committee.