
Adult Competitions (Merit Leagues and Cup)

Kent County have several clubs in the leagues, ranging from National 1 and National 2 East, Regional 1, Regional 2, Counties (Kent) 1-5, Metropolitan and Rural Leagues. We also have a Cup competition with 4 competitions Kent Shield, Plate, Vase and Salver.

John Day

Chair Competitions Sub Committee

John Arger

Honsec Competitions Sub Committee


Reg 9.4 Both clubs are to report the result and scoreline to the league coordinator by e-mail only as soon as possible after the game, but no later than 1900 hours on the Monday following the match

League Secretaries 

Counties Kent 3 & 4

Kent Metropolitan League

Counties Kent 5

London & SE Regional Organising Committee

Kent Cup Competitions:

Kent Shield – 2nd teams of clubs of whose 1st team plays at level 7 & 8

Kent Plate – For clubs who have played one game in Kent Shield and lost.

Kent Vase – For first teams of clubs who play at level 9 & 10

Kent Salver – For clubs who have played one game in the Vase and lost.

Kent Vets Cup – For veteran players.

Steve Allen

Results for all Cup Competitions

Richard Ewence

Results of Spitfire Gold Vets Cup