
The Kent Youth Committee promotes the efficient and effective development of youth rugby through the organisation of appropriate, formally approved and organised county events from U12 to U18 age levels. They liaise with clubs and disseminate relevant RFU information and guidance to key personnel in club youth sections.

KCRFU Competition Managers

U12 – Adam Jenner (We will look to recruit someone from the current u11 as well)
U13 – Brett Sandford and Mark Reay
U14 – Jamie Booth-Wilde and Justin Zarb 
U15 – Jamie Calloway and Dave Murray
U16 – Mike Sampson
Colts – Cory Blackmore

Combining Teams, Playing out of age grade and playing adult rugby

All of the above require constituent body approval which is managed online via forms on the Kent RFU website. This is not to be confused with the RFU online forms which came into being after the Kent online process was in place. There is detailed guidance via pop up information boxes and links to other documents to assist in completion. Please provide as much information as possible to enable the approval team to make an early assessment.

Once approval is granted you will receive a notice of approval sent to the original applicant without which players should not play out of their age grade. This process may take up to 10 working days. Unless you have received written approval from the KCRFU, approval has not been granted and no changes to the norm should be made.

Clubs wishing 17 year olds to play at senior rugby should seek club approval via the online forms prior to applying for player approval. 

National U18 Cup Criteria

The KCRFU has an impressive record in the National U18 Boys’ cup (and its predecessor competitions), with many  teams having reached  the latter stages of the competition. In the last 10 seasons a Kent team has won the competition  on four occasions, and been runner-up 6 times, with many other of our teams making to at least the quarter-final.

This success does not happen by accident.  Careful consideration is taken  to  select the teams  to represent the county from those that apply.

In order that all clubs understand what is expected of them in entering the competition and to be transparent about the selection process, the following criteria apply:  

  1. Clubs must be capable of properly competing in Group 1 of the Kent Colts league and will be expected to play in that league.
  2. Clubs should show they are actively seeking and fulfilling out of county friendly fixtures, as well as games inside the county, where appropriate against opposition that will stretch their abilities and further player development.
  3. Clubs should be running at least 2 sides at Colts level to ensure that school and county commitments (including injuries) do not lead to forfeiting National Cup fixtures.

Clubs that do not meet the above criteria will be ranked lower than clubs that do.

On occasion, the RFU may, if space allows, add additional teams from the ranking provided by KCRFU. This may therefore involve teams being selected that do not meet some of the above criteria. This is the decision of the RFU and not Kent.

Hopefully, the above clarifies what KCRFU and the RFU  look for in their entrants and that it will mean that our proud record as a county on the national stage will continue.


  • The RFU’s Injury Prevention Exercise Programme that can be integrated into training and pre-match sessions, to improve functional and core strength, balance and agility, helping players with the game’s physical demands. Go to the RugbySafe Activate Toolkit to access the free resources including:
  • Activate Kids for the U7 – U12 age groups 
  • Activate Youth programmes for U13-U14, U15-U16 and U17-U18

Clubs are reminded of the maximum time for training and matches per day is regulated by the RFU as follows. Please ensure you are abiding by this requirement.

15.11 Duration of Matches, Coaching and Training Sessions

15.11.1 All players, match officials, schools, colleges and clubs must ensure that no player plays more than 35 matches per Season and in respect of all matches and festivals, plays no more than the maximum playing times set out in the below table.

Alan Erskine

Kent County RFU Youth Chair