During this phase of their life, young athletes will experience multiple physical & physiological changes as they approach maturation into adulthood.
Girls tend to experience these changes between their biological years 8-19. Boys typically start this process later between their biological ages 10-22 years.
During adolescence, athletes will experience a fast upward growth in stature which is called Peak Height Velocity (PHV). Girls typically hit PHV earlier, but boys typically grow more during this period. During Peak Height Velocity modifications should be made to training type, intensity, and load to prioritise athlete wellbeing and performance.
Referring to The Youth Physical Development Model (Lloyd & Oliver) recommendations for this stage include the following: Prioritising Sport Specific Skills with Structured, Strength, Power, Speed & Agility training. It is important to highlight that a well time muscle hypertrophy programme will likely facilitate positive physical adaptations for athletes during this phase of their development. (Dobbs, 2023) (Lloyd & Oliver 2012) (Walker, 2023)
The KCRFU is keen to do all that it can to further player welfare, including to improve players’ strength and conditioning. We confirm that we have completed due diligence on Mike as a provider of services to our representative teams, however, KCRFU has no responsibility or liability for the advice or services provided.