Adult Strength & Conditioning (S & C)

Mike with Kent Senior Men

As the athlete approaches adulthood, it is common to see a decline in their growth rate and here they should benefit from highly structured approaches to aid their Strength & Conditioning. Sport Specific Skills still play a major part of their regime and should be prioritised. Recommendations from the YDP Model (Lloyd & Oliver) can be seen to prioritise Power, Strength & Endurance. It is important to note that these are general recommendations. Each athlete should personalise their Strength & Conditioning approach based on their sporting demands and consider their current physical & physiological strengths and limitations.(Lloyd & Oliver 2012)

The KCRFU is keen to do all that it can to further player welfare, including to improve players’ strength and conditioning. We confirm that we have completed due diligence on Mike as a provider of services to our representative teams, however, KCRFU has no responsibility or liability for the advice or services provided.