The KCRFU is grateful to those clubs that submitted their votes in relation to the above, and on the following Resolution:
Do you support Lower XV teams from your CB playing in the English Club Championship (ECC)?
The outcome of the ballot held within our CB is that 25 votes (out of a possible 59 voting clubs within the CB) were received by the deadline of noon on 14 February 2022:
1. Votes in favour: 11
2. Votes against: 14
3. Vote received after the deadline and not counted: 1
The RFU’s required threshold to prevent lower XV teams playing in leagues operated by a CB in the ECC at Level 7 and below, is if clubs vote by a two-thirds majority (of those clubs voting) against the Resolution. Although the ballot showed a greater number of clubs that voted to be opposed to the Resolution, the two-thirds majority threshold against the Resolution has not been reached. Accordingly, lower XV teams of Kent clubs will be able to participate in the ECC, subject to them submitting formal applications and them each meeting the stated criteria.
To that end, any club wishing to enter their lower XVs into the ECC are invited to submit their formal written applications, explaining fully how they meet the RFU’s ‘Lower XV Team entry Criteria’ (below), by no later than 18 March 2022. Applications should be sent to HonSec@kent-rugby.org and copied to John Day (KCRFU Competitions) kent-comp@kent-rugby.org .
Applications will then be considered against the criteria by the KCRFU Competitions Committee and the London & SE Director of Competitions, to determine how and where and if clubs are admitted.
Nigel Fray
Hon. Secretary