Club Approval Form


This is a two-stage process:

  1. Your club must firstly seek and obtain the KCRFU’s written approval for 17-year-olds to play adult rugby.
  2. It is only when approval has been obtained, can a club then make applications on behalf of such individuals to play adult rugby.

A lack of a response to any application must not be deemed to be silent consent to the application. Unless you have received written approval from the KCRFU, no application for a 17-year-old to play or train with adults should be made.

When completing this form, please refer to the information ‘bubbles’, which provides essential additional instructions and guidance.

Age Grade to Adult rugby approval should be submitted and approved received no later than 10 days before the adult match in which you wish the 17-year-old individual  to participate.


Your Details

Club Details

Club Official Approval

Additional Information

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