Outgoing Tour Form


When completing this form, please refer to the information ‘bubbles’, which provide essential additional instructions and guidance.

For all events involving minors, all club volunteers (coaches, First Aiders, managers, etc.) that are responsible for the Tour must have a valid DBS. The DBS must be in force at the time the application is made and for the duration of the Tour.

Clubs are required to apply for all tours outside of their Constituent Body, including those that are within England. Clubs must also,, comply, as appropriate, with all other necessary safeguarding and player welfare obligations, including for all Age Grade tours and overnight stays, appending a full risk assessment and itinerary.

This application form must be completed and submitted no later than 8 weeks before the tour is scheduled to take place.


Your Details

Club Details

Outgoing tour details We will not accept tour operator details.

A) All Players are covered by the appropriate insurance with adequate cover for rugby activity, travel, and any other non-rugby activities undertaken on the tour, including legal, medical and repatriation costs.

B) The Club agrees that the RFU or CB shall have the power to take disciplinary action in relation to players and other personnel in respect of all matches involving its Clubs regardless of whether the match is played in England or in another Union.

C) The Club has completed and appended to this application a Risk Assessment, the tour itinerary (for touring with minors) and that the RFU's Touring with Children and Vulnerable Adults Guide has been followed in relation to all age-grade tours.

D) The information and statements set out in this form are true and correct.

E) The committee fully endorses this tour application.

Club Official Approval

Additional Information

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