Rugby Camp Form


When completing this form, please refer to the information ‘bubbles’, which provide essential additional instructions and guidance.

 Camps must not be advertised until permission has been granted by Kent County RFU. Please read the Age Grade Guidance when planning your camp HERE! 

For all events involving minors, all club volunteers (coaches, First Aiders, managers, etc.) that are responsible for the camp must have a valid DBS. The DBS must be in force at the time the application is made and for the duration of the camp.

You are required to attach to your application (at the time of submission) a Risk Assessment and a detailed itinerary of the event to support your application. Applications will not submit online for approval without the required documents being attached.

Third party providers: Even if a rugby club is using a third-party provider, the club still retains responsibility for the camp. This is especially so, where a camp is advertised and/or promoted by the club. In such cases, the club will be deemed to have given its approval to such an activity (and will have carried out due diligence checks of the third-party provider concerned), such that that the camp is run in line with the same best practice guidelines as a normal club training session would be. However, responsibility for compliance with RFU’s Age Grade Regulations sits with the organiser(s), be they a third party or a club member, who is not acting under the name or authority of the club concerned.

As regards the use of third-party providers, generally, please refer to the CB’s online application forms and accompanying guidance notes. The RFU’s Rugby Camps Guide ( ) provides helpful information for clubs (and parents/guardians) on the due diligence checks that should be carried out when looking to procure a third-party provider to run such events especially with regard to 3., above.

Your Details

Club Details

Camp Details

Please complete the table below to show how the players attending will be grouped for training sessions, how many spaces there are in each group, and how many coaches will train each group.

Supporting Documents This should include details of how the Rugby Camp will ensure compliance with RFU Age Grade requirements, including summer activities if appropriate.

Club Official Approval

Additional Information

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