Grant funding for the ‘Re-boot’ of the game

The Government announced that, effective from Monday 19 July, it will ease the legal restrictions relating to the Covid 19 pandemic. The RFU has subsequently confirmed the reintroduction of scrums and mauls in rugby training from the same date in the community game. 

As a result, the KCRFU is focusing its efforts to support its member clubs, with a view to seeing a return to full and active participation in the game. Part of this process has been to redivert funds that were set aside to support clubs through the last, difficult 18 months back into the ‘business as usual’ financial support to clubs. As a contingency, we will retain some of the funding in the Covid Relief Fund, but we hope that this will not be called upon, as we re-boot the game.

In readiness for the 2021-22 season, the KCRFU is making available to clubs funding to support a range of activities (such as recruitment & retention of players, and initiatives to promote revenue generation) that you told us are your priority areas.

Grants will be a maximum of £500 and must be used in relation to the ‘re-boot’, only. This will include on items such as:

  • A social event to help recruit / retain members;
  • A local tournament, ‘Friday Nights Lights’ event;
  • Payment (or contribution towards) of a club coaching event (e.g. front row);
  • School liaison; or
  • Advertising to recruit players (either on social media and/or physical material, such as leaflets).

The KCRFU will want to ensure that grants are spent effectively; those clubs that are successful in applying will be required to demonstrate that the money has delivered the objectives for which grant funding is applied for.

Should your club wish to apply for a ‘Re-boot’ grant, please complete the application form below no later than Friday 6th August 2021. Successful applications will be notified and awarded (incl. for activities for which clubs have already paid out) by end-August.