Recognition for Volunteers, do you have an unsung hero?
The Kent RFU Volunteer awards are in their 5th year. There are 9 categories and a chance to say thank you to those volunteers that go the extra mile to give a great rugby experience.
Do you know of an unsung hero, a person that has made a valued contribution at your club?
Anyone at your club/school/college can nominate a volunteer, to show their appreciation of the time and effort and the contribution they make.
If your nomination is chosen as one of the top three you will be invited along with your nomination and their guest to attend an awards dinner scheduled for Thursday 6th June 2019 at Shepherd Neame Old Brewery Store.
Please share with your club members (why not post it on your website or share on your Facebook page), so they can nominate their volunteer of the year
Awards close Saturday 6th April 2019.