New guidance on group training

The UK government and the RFU have made further adjustments on guidance relating to training for rugby football in the Community game at the beginning of June.

Clubs have been informed through GMS of the detail of this guidance by the RFU and KCRFU as soon as the detail was known. Attention is also drawn to the updated RFU infographic which clearly spells out the current guidance around training and current use of clubhouses.

In summary the following is now allowed in relation to training.

  • Club players may now train in pods of 6 as long as they maintain the two meter personal distance guidance.
  • Up to 4 pods of 6 may train together on a full sized rugby pitch.
  • Balls may now be used in these training pods as long as attention is paid to regular hand cleaning using hand sanitising gel.
  • This guidance applies to Age-Grade, Men’s and Women’s Rugby training.
  • In addition parents are permitted to watch Age Grade training as long as they observe the normal distancing rule.

The RFU infographic can be viewed HERE. 

Further adjustments to advice are expected on July 1st however the RFU today have published another useful Infographic demonstrating the sequence for return to play. Currently we are at stage 2 and commencement to move beyond 2 will depend on Government advice and the control of COVID infection in the coming weeks.

See the infographic of the planned sequence for return to play. HERE!

Clubs will be notified of any changes and  the changes will be flagged up under our News heading on our website.